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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Using PageMaker to create interactivity

> Hello. I recently purchased the pagemaker training and found it very
> helpful, so thanks for that. However, I am trying to design an
> interactive manual, similar to the "How to Gurus" home page, where you
> have a listing on the left side of the screen and by clicking on a topic
> it will take you to that subject. Can that be accomplished in pagemaker?
> If so, I would like to know the best way to do it. Any help would be
> appreciated. ..............Thanks

PageMaker is designed for creating printed material, not interactive
materials. So you can't create the interactivity in PageMaker. What you can
do though is to do the design/layout in PageMaker, then save the file as
Adobe Acrobat (this would of course require that you also own the full
version of Acrobat). You can then put together the interactivity in Acrobat.
This is basically what I did for an e-Book that I am giving away on our home
page, the e-Book was designed in InDesign, but I didn't do anything that you
couldn't do in PageMaker. Once the e-Book was laid out I saved it as a PDF
file (Adobe Acrobat), opened it in Acrobat and then put in the interactivity
by creating links to the different pages. We don't currently have any
training on Acrobat, but it is pretty easy to use and has a good help file.
Go to www.howtogurus.com to get the free e-Book for an example of using a
page layout program (PageMaker, InDesign, QuarkXPress) along with Acrobat to
create interactivity.
