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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Putting borders on tables in Dreamweaver 8


I Purchased you complete software program dream weaver 8. I am having a problem. When I want to create a new document Basic - HTML, I then put in a background display which is twinkling stars GIF. I go to insert and put in a layer. The layer box that shows is in blue. I then go to insert a table. When the table appears it does not show any rows or columns it is as if they are hidden. I know I programmed the table right giving it rows, columns etc. I don't understand why the table does not show the rows and columns. I must of done something to hide them and this pertains to all the tables that I sent up in my web site. I might of changed the visual and preferences but I am not sure. Please help me with this.


By default there is no border shown on tables in Dreamweaver. You can easily add a border using the Properties palette below the design window. You can also show a design outline for the table if you want to see the borders, but not have them showing on the web.
To put a border on the table that will show on the web:
Click anyplace inside the table,
Then below the design window you will see a line of text something like this: body table tr td
It won't necessarily be exactly the same, just similar.
Click on the table text that is furthest to the left, this will select the whole table on your page
Now in the design panel below the design window you will see the properties for the table, where it says Border with a box after it put a 1 in the box, this will add a 1 point border to your table. Try different numbers to see what happens.

To put a border on the table that only shows in Dreamweaver Design View, but does not show on the web:
Click on the View menu
Click on Visual Aids,
Then click on Table Borders.
This will put dotted lines around all of your tables, rows, and cells, making them easy to see while you work on your layout.
These dotted lines will not show up on the web, only in Dreamweaver Design View.
