The easiest way to align images and text is to use a table. What you would need for that page is a table with 3 columns and then 2 rows for each visual row. What you do is to put the image in one cell, then put the text in the cell directly below. You will then have all of your images aligned and all of your text aligned, plus you can use the alignment functions of the cells to further control the alignment.
On table size, the table will stretch to fit the text. To keep one line from stretching the table, all you need to do is break that one line up into a couple or three lines and it should prevent it. So make sure that your lines have breaks in them to keep each line no longer than the picture length. You may need to do some tests to get the lenth correct.
To align the cells in Dreamweaver, click in the table cell, then in the Properties palette use the Horz and Vert drop down menus to adjust the placement within the cell.