"With my form project I am having difficulty placing a saved graphic created in PS into/on top of a background image I also altered in PS and saved for Web and Devices and used this graphic as a backgrond under my body DIV TAG(not a Pseudo-Tag)."
Here are some basic ideas on the background image. When you put a background image into a web page it is inserted in the opening body tag, everything else on the page comes after that tag. You can only have one image in the body tag, so you can't put a logo graphic on top of a background image in the body tag. What you need to do is to create a table or other container right after the opening body tag, put your graphic in that container and center that container on the page. That will give you the effect you are looking for by placing the graphic in front of the background image. If you use a table you can go even further as your table can also contain a background image and then have graphic placed into a cel in the table.
So, think of it as a stack of pictures on a table. The background image is the bottom of the stack, the table is then placed on top of the background image. If you put a background image into the table that image will be on top of the page background image as well since it is in the table. You can then put an image into a table cell and that image would be on top of the table background, which is on top of the page background. You can go even further by using layer elements (DIV tags), these float above the page. You can use as many DIV tags as you like and they will also stack (like a stack of cards) depending on the number you give the tag. This is all explained more thoroughly in our Dreamweaver CS3 training.