I only use ImageReady to slice images. That was what it was designed for originally, to make Images Ready for the web, and that is still what it is best used for. Everything else I do in Dreamweaver. This is partly a personal preference and you can do quite a bit with ImageReady, but even Adobe has a different product for creating web pages in GoLive.
My personal preference is to use the best product or tool for the job.
My personal favorites are:
Photoshop for image creation
ImageReady, used with the Photoshop images if needed.
Dreamweaver for web development work
Flash for animations
Freehand for vector images (I like Freehand a lot better than Illustrator)
I have found that Dreamweaver has some problems with ftp access to some servers, so for those problem servers I use WS-FTP.
I also don't use any templates, I always create web pages either from scratch, or based on an existing web page that I built from scratch. I just prefer the greater level of control doing it myself.