On a Mac when you drag a Word doc into the design view you will automatically get a link to the document.
In the Windows version when you drag a Word doc into the design view you get a dialog box that asks if you want to insert the contents or place a link. What I normally do is to select the text I want in a Word doc, then copy and paste that text into the Dreamweaver page. This works on both Macs and Windows machines.
Unfortunately for Mac users Macromedia and Adobe have both put their main efforts into the Windows versions of their software, so the Mac versions frequently don't have all the bells and whistles. Nothing to do with the quality of the Mac as a computer, everything to do with their main market being Windows users. That aside Adobe is just about the best company out there for making their software run as close as possible on both platforms. Adobe just purchased Macromedia, so we will probably see improvements in the Mac versions down the road. (this also means that Adobe's GoLive will probably be phased out)